National Self Care Week (13 – 19 November).
The campaign promotes proactive self care, including:
– good nutrition and regular exercise to support general wellbeing and help maximise people’s immunity
– adopting positive lifestyle choices
– increasing health literacy levels in the community and in schools
– supporting mental wellness by keeping connected, ensuring a sense of perspective, and taking further steps to maintain health
– understanding how to manage minor and long term health conditions
In addition, this campaign provides an opportunity to promote better use of the NHS by signposting people to the right service relevant to their health needs and can also be used to highlight the need for vaccinations and screening.
If you have health and wellbeing champions in your business, they can tailor all the activities to suit the needs of their local colleague community and keep running events into December.
If you would like to discuss our health and wellbeing champion training, please get in touch with the team@letsgethealthy.co.uk
#selfcarematters #workplacementalhealth
More information about the campaign can be found at https://www.selfcareforum.org/events/self-care-week/