
World Mental Health day 10th October – are you supporting ready?

World Mental Health day 10th October – are you supporting ready?

World Mental Health day is a great day for employers. An opportunity across the globe to show your teams and colleagues that you care and provide tools and techniques to help them improve their mental health and energy.

Why should we do this?

With a fast paced, changing workplace and an always on culture, employers who don’t look after their employee’s mental strength are seeing;

  • Increase in mental health related absence – a reason to be off sick that line managers in most cases are ill equipped to talk about
  • A younger, more open workforce who don’t feel comfortable talking to their line managers about their mental health and who openly share their issues on social media and with friends but see their employer in a new light ‘I won’t be here very long, so I don’t build up a relationship with my boss’
  • A move to work agile, remotely and welcome a growing gig economy – all brilliant for business but a harder group of colleagues to support
  • An ageing customer base who as businesses we see each day with mental health issues and need to help our teams to help them

Let’s Get Healthy is an award-winning health and wellbeing company who design courses to help employees at all levels build their personal, team resilience and help managers have great conversations about mental health. Get in touch with our team on 01924 666295.
