
An item a day this Christmas, helps us realise how grateful we are for the basics in life

An item a day this Christmas, helps us realise how grateful we are for the basics in life

The festive period is a time for gratitude and appreciation, spending time with friends and family and giving. But for many families Christmas is another reason for anxiety, worry and struggle.
So this year we decided to take a step back and be thankful for all the opportunities and give back. The Reverse Advent Calendar is an initiative to give rather than receive in the countdown to Christmas.
Nationwide food-bank charity The Trussel Trust has welcomed the campaign as typically Food-banks are preparing for their busiest time of year. Food-banks give more than food during the festive period, they give hope. Low income families find holidays particularly difficult as their children are not getting free school meals.
Until December 13th the team at Let’s Get Healthy are bringing in an item a day (or more in some cases!) ready to donate to our local Food-bank Parkside Lane, Leeds. We will be donating the package on Wednesday 13th December to give enough time for the much-needed parcel to be distributed accordingly.
Over the last decade Let’s Get Healthy have donated £53,000 to charity, and this new venture signifies the value of giving for employee wellbeing.