Brilliant, brilliant fun – Procurement welcomes wellbeing
Let’s Get Healthy were thrilled to meet the leadership team of the procurement function of the Co-op who all attended a tailored ‘Be Your Best Self’ workshop last week in The Co-op’s head office in Manchester. Led by Steve Nuttall (Finance Director, Co-op Food) who also attended the workshop, the procurement leadership team joined a 2.5-hour session packed with tools and techniques to thrive, be resilient and energised in a fast-past role. The Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply states that to be a leader in a large procurement team you need “to demonstrate a variety of skills, including good business sense, financial management and a flair for communication and negotiation.” The workshop built on these great skills. The Co-op have a health and wellbeing strategy which facilitates leaders to join sessions that help them and their colleagues. Being in procurement you need to look for innovative solutions and aim for best practice every day. It’s brilliant to see Steve starting the wellbeing journey right at the top with his leaders and this workshop will help them remain as leaders in their field.