Mindful Mondays – start the week with great mental health
Monday should be everyone’s favourite day! It’s the first day of the week and a great way to set a standard for the days ahead. However, many of us look upon it with dread and spend Sunday nights tossing and turning in bed not sleeping.
So, if we can’t control the things that makes us glum when Monday comes, what could we control instead? Our perspective!
A great way to improve your perspective is mindfulness. It can really help the way you start each week.
Mindfulness is about being in the present moment; focusing inwardly on your own thoughts and feelings, and outwardly on the world around you. It can help you feel calm by allowing you time to process and accept what you see, hear, feel or think.
The best thing about it is its simplicity. Try this approach to get started:
– Find a few minutes to yourself to sit silently for a while
– Allow your thoughts to come and go, listen to sounds around you and focus on your breathing
– Bring your attention back to your breathing whenever your mind begins to wander
Mindfulness really does help us have great mental health – give it ago and see how well you sleep on Sunday nights