We all live in a yellow submarine – Learning about resilience from the Navy
Working remotely can bring us many challenges and during COVID-19 I have loved listening to Jon Bailey, a robot submarine driver, scuba instructor and former Navy submariner. Spending 90 days under water, with no internet he shares the tools and techniques to keep resilient and mentally strong.
Planning and routine are the key themes, he has adapted his recommendations from the submarine to working from home.
Simple thoughts from an expert:
– Divide your day up into work (if home working), rest, exercise, meals, hobbies, etc. Do the same for your kids
– Have a dedicated private time/place as part of your routine, which can involve any activity you like such as watching films or doing yoga
– Take time to prepare meals
– Regular exercise is also a priority, with Bailey advising around 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity a day
– Clean your house
– Keep in touch with your people
– Bring your world closer, focus on little things that you enjoy and make plans for the future
For more ideas on resilience – get in touch with team@letsgethealthy.co.uk