What can we learn from One Direction?
Can businesses learn from boy bands and One Direction? Well maybe we can.
The recent headline “Liam Payne opens up about the ‘horrible anxiety’ that made him scared to leave the house” caused a general chat in the office and it made us look back to what employees tell us made the biggest impact to them at work and their mental health.
Time and time again it is that their line managers supported them and were open to listening and talking about mental health. In fact, this year we have filmed more personal journey video’s than any other year. Personal journey videos are of managers and colleagues sharing their mental health story and where and how they found help.
Like Liam Payne their openness and wiliness to discuss their mental health (great and poor) was noted as an inspiration to others. So maybe we all need to check in with the boy bands and follow their lead!
For more information on how we can support your line managers with mental health programmes and training – check out www.letsgethealthy.co.uk/mental-health