
How to have a conversation about mental health at work

How to have a conversation about mental health at work

Next Thursday 7th February is Time to Talk Day 2019 where everyone is encouraged to have a conversation about mental health. According to the Mental Health at Work report 2018 more employees are comfortable talking about mental health compared with the 2017 report, but just 11% disclosed issues specifically to a line manager.

It is a common belief that when someone goes on sickness due to a mental health problem, it is best to leave them for as long as possible to avoid hassling them and making their condition worse.

This is a MYTH.

It is actually better to ensure the lines of communication stay open to avoid isolation which could actually make the problem worse. Managers should be encouraged to have open and honest conversations with all their team.

It might be worth considering mental health training for managers to give them the confidence they need to have these conversations.

Let’s Get Healthy wants all businesses to reach a point where all employees feel confident to talk about their mental heath issues and concerns with their managers. We are supporting Time to Talk day and will be having conversations with all our people on that day and everyday to encourage them to speak up about mental health issues.

If your business would benefit from tailored and cost effective mental health training for your managers, then get in touch on 01924 666 295.
