
Top tips for creating a successful gamification campaign

Top tips for creating a successful gamification campaign

Corporate gamification uses the typical elements of game playing, such as points scoring, challenges and leaderboards. If used in training or e-learning, this allows the employee to drive the engagement and direction. It is typically delivered in bite-sized sections and is currently a rapidly growing mode of education.

It works because employees enjoy the feeling of being successful and rewarded.

According to Talent 42 “engaged employees perform 20% better and are 87% less likely to leave their organisations.”

Follow these top tips for success:

  • Ensure your campaign is appropriate for the audience
  • Plan for longevity
  • Keep rewards simple
  • Share the rules of the game
  • It’s not the winning
  • Measure, measure, measure

If you would like us to develop a gamification health and wellbeing campaign please contact us on 01924 666295
