
UK businesses believe it can take up to three years to implement a mental health and wellbeing programme

UK businesses believe it can take up to three years to implement a mental health and wellbeing programme

In a recent report by Buck 57 per cent of respondents expect it to take two to three years to implement a stress management or resilience building programme.

If you are struggling to get your mental health and wellbeing strategy off the ground here are a few benefits that might encourage business buy-in:

Reduced absence – According to the Centre for Mental Health, mental health issues cost UK employers an estimated £34.9bn a year through reduced productivity, sickness absence and staff turnover. There is a strong financial case for a business to invest in the mental wellbeing of its staff. We have seen great results from our training. Heart, which was delivered to Co-op call centre employees in November 2018, resulted in a reduction in absence across all attendees.

Employee engagement – A healthier employee tends to be more engaged, confident, creative, motivated and of course, more productive.

Resilience to cope with change – Change seems to be a constant in UK businesses at the moment. Indeed, a global talent study in 2018 (Mercer Make Tomorrow Today) stated that 93% of companies were planning to redesign their organisation. Resilience training is one of the most popular sessions we offer and makes a huge difference to employees going through change allowing them to remain focussed, engaged and motivated.

If you would like help designing a mental health and resilience campaign as part of your wider business strategy, get in touch with the team on 01924 666295.
