
Why is July a great month to talk about mental health

Why is July a great month to talk about mental health

At Let’s Get Healthy we believe every month is a great month to raise awareness about great mental health. Many clients are now designing campaigns to launch in September to make a huge impact in October

But why is July a great month to talk about mental health?

Juggle – July see’s many of our colleagues juggle the demands of childcare, paying for holidays, summer clubs and out of work activities. Many of these are triggers for stress and anxiety and a great opportunity to encourage colleagues to support each other and look for signs and symptoms of poor mental health

Communication There are great conversation starters as colleagues share what they have been able to do in the great weather – ideal time to promote team-based activities to get colleagues away from their workplace during the day

Loneliness – we can be surrounded by a zillion number of people and feel lonely- we know that social interaction helps reduce mental health problems so launch some social events provide an opportunity to meet new friends

HolidaY – many of us prepare for the August bank holiday and holidays over the summer- do you best to ensure colleagues go into their holiday ready to switch off and have friends

July – a great month to keep talking about mental health!

For more information on how to improve the mental health and resilience of your teams check out
