
Workplace burnout survival guide on national stress awareness day​

Workplace burnout survival guide on national stress awareness day​

Today is National Stress Awareness day! 

Feeling healthy and motivated in the workplace is a great feeling. However, if you are ever feeling detached from the workplace, ineffective in your role and emotionally drained then the chances are you are suffering from burnout.

Burnout is understood to be a chronic state of job stress, where employer expectations and employee workload exceed the individual’s perceived psychological capacity and ability to cope.

This is clearly an undesirable situation to be in for both you and your employer. However, there are steps you can take to make burnout as unlikely as possible:

  • Lend a listening ear – If you are under pressure in the workplace, chances are your colleagues are feeling it too. Be there to listen to any issues that they are experiencing and they will be there for you when you are feeling the strain. Discussing issues, can be a great way of relieving stress, if you work remotely make sure you have a number you can contact who is likely to offer support
  • Have fun with your colleagues – Employees who enjoy coming to work will burn out far less frequently than those who loathe their job. Why not build a positive work environment for your colleagues? Take turns to bring nice food and drinks into work, organise a quiz or sporting sweepstakes to bring the team together
  • Take breaks together– Regular breaks away from the workplace will not only leave you feeling mentally refreshed and re-focused but are a chance to reflect and evaluate your actions throughout the day

Remember avoiding burnout is extremely important, so try to manage situations to avoid feeling its debilitating effects. For more hints and tips on how to manage stress and it potentially negative impact on your employees, contact us on 01924 666295.
