
Happy Easter Everybody!

Happy Easter Everybody!

We hope everybody has brilliant plans for the holiday weekend and to those of us who work……. thank you

Here are Let’s Get Healthy’s top tips for the Bank Holiday weekend:

– Energy– Use the weekend to recharge and get plenty of sunshine

A– Activity– Remember we are naturally more active in the morning so try and plan your friends / family time early in the day

S – Sleep – As tempting as it is to have a lie in, to maximise sleep quality try and stay in your normal routine and get 7 to 8 hours of great, quality sleep

T – Talk – Make a point of chatting to friends and family and if you are on your own try and find a local group this weekend. Mixing with others is great for our mental energy and health

E – Eggs– Avoid the temptation to eat all your chocolate eggs in one day – some Easter eggs contain over 1,000 calories per egg!

R – Relax – use the weekend to recharge both mentally and physically and have lots and lots of laughter and fun

From all the Let’s Get Healthy team
